Landscapes in the Land of Story: Storytelling and Journaling with Mo Szulejewska

Landscapes in the Land of Story: Storytelling and Journaling with Mo Szulejewska
Join Jennifer Ramsay and Mo Szulejewska in this unique journey through Landscapes in the Land of Story.
Decipher hidden codes in ancient stories and find the keys to unlock your own treasure chest of inner resources.
- Who lives in a cave in the mountain?
- What underwater treasures are waiting to be discovered?
- What life is lying dormant in the desert?
- Dare you venture into the heart of the deep, dark forest?
Stories are our compass. «If you don’t know the trees, you can get lost in the forest, If you don’t know the forest, you can get lost in life».
Journaling is our tool. «You don’t need to be a skillful writer to tap into the power of journal writing – only a willingness to engage and be curious. As Christina Baldwin said: journal writing is a voyage to the interior»
Details of the Journey:
Tuesdays 18:15 – 20:00 h UK time (19:15 – 21:00 h CET). Provisional dates and times:
- 4th October
- 11th October
- 18th October
- 25th October
- 1st November
- 8th November
- 15th November
The sessions will be recorded and available for viewing on the Teachable platform.