Working Creatively with Stories to Talk About Death

Working Creatively with Stories to Talk About Death
Stories have been with us since the very beginning of humanity when we gathered around the fire to listen to myths of creation to connect us with our inner selves, our clan and the universe. Stories have accompanied us through dark times, of war and plague and they ca also accompany us to talk about Death and demystify the taboo around it.
- In this workshop, we explore Death, through a story.
- We will look at the background to the story
- We discuss the taboo around death in our society.
- We explore the issues and feelings within the group around talking about death
- We explore the image of death
- We step into the story through roleplay or visualization
- We explore the characters and the symbolic language to see what they may reveal
- We look at creative ways of working with the story with our clients
- We open a dialogue up between life and death
- We discuss the importance of preparing for death
- We dance symbolically with Death