Experience as Teacher Trainer

  • 2022: “Magical Journey to the World of Storytelling: Stories to Teach English”: 15 hour course for English teachers in primary school, CTIF Madrid Capital, Spain
  • 2017: “Storytelling: Body Expression, Theatre, Chinese Shadows, Kamishibai and Art With Young Learners”: 21 hour course for English teachers, CTIF Madrid Capital, Spain.
  • 2016: “Storytelling in the Classroom”: 14 hour course for English teachers, CPR Cáceres, Cáceres, Spain.
  • 2015: “Stories in Education. To Explain the World and Learn English”: 3 hour workshop for English teachers, CEP Lanzarote, Lanzarote, Spain.
  • 2015: “Storytelling in the Multimedia Classroom”: 15 hour course for language teachers, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Fuenlabrada, Madrid.
  • 2014: “Storytelling for Language and Confidence Development in Primary School”: 21 hour course for primary school teachers, CRIF &quot Las Acacias” (Centre for Teacher Training and Innovation), Madrid.
  • 2014: “Storytelling to Educate for Life”: 20 hour course for primary and secondary school teachers, Acción Educativa Summer School, Madrid.
  • 2014: “Storytelling to Educate for Life”: 4 hour workshop for primary school teachers, Ljungby Storytelling Festival, Sweden.
  • 2012-14: “Storytelling and Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)”: Several 4 hour workshops, Universidad Nebrija, Madrid.
  • 2014: “Storytelling and Drama in the Classroom.”: 30 hour course for primary school teachers, Centro de Profesores y Recursos de Melilla, Melilla, Spain.
  • 2014: “A Forest of Stories”: 3 hour workshop for European teachers working in adult education, Grundtvig Project “The Transforming Word”, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
  • 2013: “Doorway to the Land of Stories”: 3 hour workshop for European teachers working in adult education, Grundtvig Project “Creating Stories”, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Alcalá de Henares.
  • 2013: “A Sea of Stories”: 10 hours course for language teachers, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Alcalá de Henares.
  • 2013: “Scottish Culture and Celtic Ritual”: 3 hour workshop for primary school teachers, CTIF Central Madrid, Madrid.
  • 2013: “Storytelling and Emotional Literacy”: 2 hour workshop, San Patricio School, Madrid.
  • 2013: “Applied Storytelling in the English Class”: 12 hours course for English teachers, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Boadilla del Monte, Madrid.
  • 2013: “Stories, a Powerful Tool in English Acquisition”: 8 hours for English teachers, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Villaverde, Madrid.
  • 2013: “Stories, a Powerful Tool in English Acquisition”: 12 hours for English teachers, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Majadahonda, Madrid.
  • 2012: “Stories, a Powerful Tool in English Acquisition”: 14 hours for English teachers, Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Boadilla del Monte, Madrid.
  • 2012: “Storytelling: Language Acquisition and Education for Life”: 21 hours for primary school teachers, CTIF Este, Madrid.
  • 2011: “The Use of Storytelling for Higher standards of English Acquisition”: 21 hours for secondary school teachers, CRIF &quot Las Acacias”, Madrid.
  • 2011: “Stories, a Powerful Tool for Teaching English and Educating for Life”: 21 hours for secondary school teachers, CRIF &quot Las Acacias”, Madrid.
  • 2010: “Intercultural Storytelling Seminar for Student Teachers”: Universidad de Granada, Melilla, Spain.
  • 2010: “Telling Stories for Oral Practice” in the symposium “Oral Communicative Competence: Practice and Assessment”, Universidad de Otoño, CDL, Madrid.
  • 2010: Workshop “Mandalas of Identity”, II Symposium of Systemic Pedagogy, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain.
  • 2010: “Strategies to Promote Bilingualism: Creativity and Stories in the classroom”, symposium “The Development of Bilingualism in Spain”, Universidad Complutense Summer Courses, El Escorial, Spain.
  • “Stories: A Powerful Tool in English Language Acquisition”, symposium “Week of Foreign Languages”, in CRIF &quot Las Acacias”, Madrid.
  • 2010: “The Development of Creativity as a Basis for Learning”: Several 2 hour workshops, Catholic Schools in Castile and León, Spain.
  • 2009-2010: “English Weekend in Nature”: 3 weekend workshops for primary teachers, CAP Cuenca, Cuenca, Spain.
  • 2008-2010: “Storytelling in the English Classroom”: Several 3 hour workshops for primary school teachers, Monterrey Institute of International Studies, Madrid.
  • 2008: “How to Tell Ecological Stories”: Teachers in Eco park, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • 2005-2008: “How to Tell Stories in the Classroom”: 3 hour workshops for student teachers, Universidad de Burgos, Burgos, Spain.

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